

因此,皮革工作和皮革商品每年向全球经济贡献400亿美元并不大。And because most of today’s leathers come out of third-world countries that lack environmental protections and worker safety laws (we’re looking at you, India), American leather goods company, Shinola, has eschewed outsourcing and returned leather working and manufacturing to one of America’s most economically downtrodden cities, Detroit, Michigan.

现在,我们在手册中毫不秘密,我们是大粉丝Shinola底特律。我们之前涵盖了从谢洛拉腕表到营业部的一切谢洛拉酒店,他们的一系列伟大和宽阔的自行车。这就是Shinola商品的爱,可获得今年夏天在今年夏天举办的制造商休假的邀请函旺湾营地。在撤退过程中,我们了解到工艺鸡尾酒建设的基础知识,被引入了一个梦幻般的人道主义和环境救援产品底特律污垢, and, best of all, we were given a master class in leather working by Shinola’s Vice President of leather, Jennifer Guarino, who provided us with the behind the scenes story of why Shinola in 2014 chose to build its leather goods factory in the heart of Detroit and what it means for a luxury leather product to be designed, cut and sewn in the U.S. with American leather.

Jennifer Guarino, Shinola的皮革副总裁




谢诺拉想改变所有这些。该品牌的基金会依赖于其对商品和配件的真正渴望,不仅是美国制造的,而且很明显美国制造。When, during a focus group, they discovered they were able to charge more for a product that was not only made in America, but made specifically in Detroit, they began to understand that people, not profits were the driving factor behind Americans’ willingness to spend a few extra dollars. As long as those additional bucks are going back into a blighted economy, the act of buying a Shinola product become a tangible contributor to the revitalization of Detroit. Consumers were happy to shell out far more money in a bid to “do their part” to prop up fellow Americans, rather than just buying for the made in America cache. Shinola took that to heart.



“如果您带入某人在装配线上工作,”Guarino表示,“我们要求他们不仅仅是插头,点击,然后通过。我们要求他们使用他们的判断,使用他们的美学,实际上赋予他们对他们通过的每一块皮革做出决定。So we had to teach people that we want you to look at every piece of leather as a unique piece and we want you to piece it as it goes through, and if you need to manipulate it, we’ll teach you how to manipulate leather so that the piece does what you need it to do.” By imbuing their workers with the power to make decisions about the goods they create and providing them top-of-class training by world experts, Shinola has given their employees the opportunity to not just do a job, but to take pride in it and value themselves as makers rather than labor drones. Their values and judgement affect what goes to market and that’s something rarely done in the manufacturing world.



而且她无法帮助涌入这些员工的未来:“我们期望随着我们的增长,底特律的这支球队将成为全美国最专业,最熟练的皮革工匠。然后,有创新学习学院,在去年的9月[2015],我们与他们一起创造四年的配件设计课程- 特殊的皮革制品,硬件和鞋子。所以,现在在一个建筑物中,我们正在教人们设计制造业,我们正在互向,我们正在雇用他们。没有什么比这更好的了。我们在底特律创造了一个行业中心。“


这是一个没有任何地方的轮毂。瓜里诺注意到了这一点从2014年开始谈话,他们让他们从失业,推动不足和低工资制造业工作中来到他们的员工,这些就业就业授权工匠和工匠具有宝贵的技能和驾驶成功和发展。瓜里诺骄傲地讲述了一个什纳拉的制表师之一,即使她从未在飞机上以前从未在飞机上,去瑞士一起学习世界上最好的制表师,以便自己成为一位主板制作者。她把这种技能带回了美国 - 右边回到底特律。当美国人的待遇良好并受益于他们所做的产品时,美国制造的含义更为含义。Shinola完善了这一过程,他们在这方面的成功是他们越来越受欢迎的驱动力之一,尊重Shinola作为正宗的美国奢侈品牌。

关于美国术语制造的快速注释:联邦贸易委员会将“美国制造”作为产品定义为“美国所有或几乎所有产品的产品”。也就是说,进入产品的所有重要零件,处理和劳动必须是美国原产地。产品不应包含任何 - 或者只能含有可忽略不计 - 外部内容。“Shinola产品在美国使用一些外国零件在美国构建,防止他们使用美国制造或制造的官方术语。然而,Shinola在第一个“底特律制造”的风格上重新开始生产 -手风琴交叉体袋。这个包的劳动力现在完全在底特律和什洛拉使用超过90%的美国组件,使这个袋子正式和真正“底特律制造”。
