
Serta的EZ Tote Mattress证明了为什么您应该在一个盒子里买床

每个人都将在那里:一个大城市,一个新的公寓,只有几块钱备用。沙发,盆栽和平底锅,以及一个适度的电视都占据了首都,并众多的其他费用,床垫可以花费一千美元或更多,是一种简单的角落。好吧,在你开始浏览Craigslist并说服自己那个神秘的污渍不能血液 - 可以吗?- 让我们建议替代品。Serta使这个可怕的选择在自负中随意使用它的新线EZ Tote床垫。这床垫仅以299美元开始,并将为您提供您需要的优质睡眠,同时定居进入您的新生活。







我决定和绵羊撤退因为我从运动员的朋友那里听到了那些严格训练的人在更坚定的表面上睡得更好。(Granted, my 5K training will likely not get me to Tokyo this year, but everyone needs a goal.) There was a softer feel under my hand once I’d set it up, but after I’d laid down, the topmost memory foam layer was just a small comfort as it grew firmer with my full weight. I feel like this layer did a great job at minimizing a sleepless transition period between my new, firmer mattress and my softer old one. By night three I was zonked out, and if my Garmin’s morning sleep report is any indication, I’m sleeping more deeply by a significant margin after this change. I’ve only tested the Serta for a short period of time but it has been a great upgrade.


无论模型如何,您的Serta Mattess抵达公司120天内的审判。在围栏上围绕哪种类型的床垫适合您的睡眠偏好?如果您在几个月后感觉到它,该公司将在一封电子邮件下安排免费退货或换货。它与您可以获得的无风险,肯定比周五晚上​​的普通阶段更低。

我们是所有Serta的床垫,无论是遗产完美睡眠者,超级现代典型的ICORTOR还是实惠的EZ手提包都在美国设计和制作的事实。That means they’re all created under the U.S.’s strict environmental regulations and rigid labor laws, which ensure you won’t be up at night wondering about the ethicality of your pallet or whether the rare Western warbling snicket is being wiped out by your sleeping choices. (It is not.) Also helpful: All Serta’s mattresses are backed by a 10-year guarantee of being the best damn mattress available, which means that it’s guaranteed for more years than its competitors have been in business.




Serta, unlike others making foam mattresses, isn’t “disrupting” the space as much as dominating it — the company has been crafting mattresses since 1931, establishing a worldwide reputation in quality from the jump with its original Perfect Sleeper mattress (which, it should be noted, it still makes). It is literally the number one mattress maker in the world and has been so for nearly a decade. If you want to spend thousands of dollars to bling out your bedroom, the company can offer you several options. But its EZ Tote Mattress line proves that old dogs, when they learn new tricks, can do them better than any young pup.

由于其EZ Totes床垫名称表明,这很简单方便。当然,它的设置也经济,舒适,简单。但它是,首先是一个床垫,在购买之前或在它的一生中很少有思想。剩下的时间无疑将带来并发症和头痛和压力。但是在Serta的新一线床垫中,你晚上躺在睡觉不会失去你睡觉。
