Hugh Hefner的标志性丝绸吸烟夹克是拍卖

Charley Gallay / Stringer / Getty


Harking back to the days when “men were men” and could wear a roughly hip-length, silk, damask smoking jacket with a shawl collar while slapping the ass of a passing girl (remember: this is no longer acceptable and shouldn’t have been then either), Hef’s smoking jacket symbolizes the care-free, anti-authoritarian, and insouciant spirit that he exhibited throughout his entire life. From his bootstrap funding for the first run of花花公子杂志创造了他的私人关键的花花公子俱乐部到他的良头老年,他对外面呈现他的性阳性态度并不害羞。他的吸烟夹克是猩红色的衣服。

Worn everywhere from the Playboy Mansion to press and media events, Hef’s jacket has been around the block in more ways than one — and now, you can have your chance at owning a piece of publishing and pornographic history by offering up a bid for the smoking jacket via朱仁的拍卖。几乎立即超过750美元的最初开始出价;本文出版的高价竞标在7,000美元的标志周围徘徊。

拍卖会在2018年11月30日在上午10点结束,所以你还有时间刮掉足够的现金来购买这个坏男孩。如果没有,你总是可以看看赫夫纳的其他拍卖物品,如他原始灯泡从好莱坞标志,另一种丝绸长袍, 他的牛肉雕刻台车, 乃至赫夫纳的二战服务奖牌

