
技术面料。哪个人不喜欢他们的装备中的声音?尽管如此,真正重要的是你是否可以移动和生活在他们身上,以及它们是否让你看起来不错。这是基于科罗拉多州的巨石九克诺克(用漫长的“我”发音)得到并转变为其使命。直到一年前,联合创始人Greg Casals是您跳台从城市到城市的典型金融家伙,而且积极寻找他可以从他的家乡到纽约市的一家外套件。因此,他与艾莉·塞尔斯,一位退伍军人设计师和户外商人和滑雪者同时创造了一个。“我们都非常喜欢表现和技术上的面料,但最终我们是时尚人民,我们只是觉得市场上有这个洞,”蒂姆伦解释道。

Launched officially in October, the brand current offers four styles—two softshell layers, a puffer, and a hoodie—but if the products are any indication of what’s to come (we hear equally sleek chino trousers, henleys, tee and pullovers are in the works for next season), the future looks bright for this brand. Its fabrics, custom-ordered from renowned textile makers such as Schoeller from Switzerland and Charles Parsons from Australia for its softshells and puffer, are amongst the most advanced and environmentally sound. Ninox also works with Texas-grown organic cotton, spun and milled in North Carolina and manufactured in Los Angeles, for its hoodies. And for this holiday season it plans to launch a cotton-merino button-down shirt, which simply translates to one of the softest and luxurious everyday shirts you’ll ever wear.

Ninox价格不是廉价的地下室 - 他们从149美元开始为“韦斯顿”连帽衫,最高达579美元的野外“贝内特”夹克 - 但随着汽车提醒我们的,这些是旨在经受时间考验的服装。为了保持价格尽可能低,Ninox通过自己的网上商店直接销售给消费者,并通过预约离开其设计工作室。卡尔斯说,“想想真正的良好的性能面料,这些织物是非标志的,现代的现代风格。那是ninox。“