Studio Dror的戏剧性计划将伊斯坦布尔更多的绿色空间与“Parkorman”

你去过伊斯坦布尔吗?It’s a beautiful city, and as the gateway between Asia and Europe, it manages to blend east and west in such away that it becomes one of your most unforgettable destinations, filled with Byzantine marvels, like the Hagia Sophia and glorious ancient sites like Basilica Cistern. Unfortunately, while Istanbul is an amazing city, rampant urbanization has drastically shrunk the amount of per capita green space there. The green area ratio is only6.4伊斯坦布尔的人均住房面积。在欧洲,平均绿化面积比率大概是20.每人平方米。

罗兰,纽约的设计工作室Helmed by Dror Benshetrit,提出了以这种问题的解决方案Parkorman,位于市中心北部六英里的公园。据德鲁尔的人们说,“我们的公园从熟悉的城市形式开始,慢慢过渡到森林内更深的令人惊讶的有机时刻。”进入Parkorman时,访客创造自己的故事。

