

这使得这一品牌成为十年最具破坏性的时尚业务之一吗?联合创始人Andres Izquieta相信。最初成立于2002年,该品牌五四以前曾被称为休闲街头和后来的当代面向现代品牌。经过2008年的经济衰退后,伊兹奎亚和商业伙伴Dee Murthy抓住机会不仅可以利用技术来更好地管理业务,而且爆炸设计师,零售商和消费者之间的静态关系。Consequently Five Four Club’s model has been so successful at creating accessible, original, and exclusive fashion for young men (there is no other way of buying Five Four off-line) that Marvel Entertainment recently approached it to create a capsule collection inspired by the highly anticipated summer blockbuster, “Avengers: Age of Ultron.”

从4月1日开始,Five Four Club的会员将收到来自胶囊系列的服装,这些服装和之前一样根据会员的个人资料个性化定制,但他们也将有机会从该网站购买商品à la carte。总的来说,这个系列代表了漫威联合品牌服装最成熟的版本,但伊兹奎塔和墨菲小心地留下了适当的有趣细节,如漫威漫画打印的插入物、可扩展的补丁或切口胸袋、彩色格子面料和复仇者标志。最近,我们有机会在纽约一家专为会员设计的快闪店预览这个系列(上图),并与伊兹奎塔一起探索五四俱乐部成功的其他秘密,它如何重新定义排他性,以及它如何潜在地改变我们的购物方式。




你实际上不允许返回任何东西。我们采取方法,我们为您策划包装,所以当您获得包裹时,我们会在您的门口发送到您的门时,我们会尽快向您发送电子邮件以及关于如何穿那种衣服的电子邮件。So when you get a dark navy jacket with a button down, we’ll show you three ways to wear that dark navy jacket—dress to impress, business casual with, say, a shirt and tie, or a t-shirt and jeans rolled-up with sneakers. Five Four Club isn’t for everyone, but the thing with a lot of men in general is that they’re afraid to wear things because they don’t know how wear it. What we’re doing is pushing the boundaries for them from a fashion perspective, because we’re informing and educating them that this is how you can wear it and that opens their eyes to being more fashion-forward. I think the problem with mass-market American men is that compared to mass-market European guys the latter cares about style. It’s more built into the culture, whereas America’s more about t-shirt and jean culture and the idea of not caring. A lot of it is men feel it’s too difficult to figure out. They actually want to care, but it’s too difficult for them. And I think the reason why we’ve been so successful is because we tap into that market, which is the majority, and we realize that due to the lifetime value of our members these guy are fanatics. They’re so excited. If you look through their Instagrams, you’ll see pics of them three to four months prior to being a member—he’s maybe a bit sloppy-looking. Now his confidence is boosted. More importantly it makes him test something new. The idea behind Five Four Club as a whole is you’re a member on a journey and we really want to encourage the concept to enjoyment, empowerment, convenience, and curiosity. Those are the four mantras of what Five Four is built on.




我们用ESQuire网络做了一些事情。我实际上在ESQuire网络上有一个称为“周末修复”的电视节目。这是一个旅游秀,我向您展示了如何在48小时内搜索和发现城市。我是该节目的联合主持人和共同创造者,所以我们在10月份做了一些事情,那里那个月的收藏率受到我的旅行射击“周末修复”的启发。奇迹是4月份;我们有七月标记McNairy;Steve McQueen还激发了其中一个集合,然后我们有一些其他项目,这些项目是未经证实的,但我们说的是确认,这将是非常的一个。




Right now our ecommerce shop is pretty much only for special collaborations, but in the fall we’ll be introducing a collection every month where it’ll probably be like a 30- to 45-piece collection where we’ll make everything in small amounts just to sell out fast. So if you’re the business casual guy but want to buy a pair of joggers that we would never send to you, we’ll have that available on the shop.




我不想说这是未来。你总是要有一个零售组成部分,但我认为是什么让我们如此成功的是我们已经挖掘到从未被挖掘的概念和别无选择的想法,这是一种心理上与男人想要的东西一致。这一概念不一定在女性的空间中工作很好,因为女性实际上喜欢选择。他们喜欢探索的想法(我将采取这个并尝试。)与男人更简单。它实际上是相反的。所以,几年前我们在五四俱乐部推出了五个四个俱乐部的一切都是相反的,这是常态。但这就是让我们成功的原因。我们不想跟随每个人都旅行的道路。我们一直处于时尚营业13年,我们三年前枢转进入这个模式,因为我们意识到,随着服装业务的所有问题,我们不想再面对它们。现在它是我们曾经拥有的最乐趣,因为我们可以设计我们想要的东西,我们纠正它,我们实际上推动了针和改变时尚的看法。 And we have a much bigger impact than say a lot of high-end men’s designers because we actually touch 80,000 people every month that are getting something new and are encouraging them to try on. A lot of people may make 150 of something and it goes into two stores. We’re touching 80,000 people a month and we’re getting them to try something new. If anything that’s more disruptive.
