
巴塞罗那总是Bitchin 1

喜欢它或厌恶它,Woody Allen的Vicky Cristina Barcelona在渲染了一个光荣的城市角色的荣耀上做了一份工作。如果你愿意,有点旅游地理色情片。尽管怀疑人士在马德里,马拉加,塞维利亚等 - 巴塞罗那是一个外国人应该访问的西班牙城市。时期。它全部;寒冷的因素,气候,文化。It’s a city undoubtedly enjoyed best during the summer months, meaning anytime from May to October really, perhaps avoiding certain weeks in July and August when the calles and avenidas are chock-a-block with raunchy tourists (although quite frankly you will want to stay away from La Rambla anytime of year, what with all those tiresome human statues).

酒店在招待的何处,巴塞罗那似乎在酒店选择中缺少中间地面:它们是大型,奢华和昂贵的或小,臭味和便宜的。Casa Neri.最近开了梅凯酒店(没有纽约名称的隶属关系)是最喜欢的螺栓孔,落入精品类别;谨慎,不稳定和可怕的设计意识,两者都隐藏在石头街道和小巷的迷宫中,弥补了古城中心的哥特区 - 如果你想要一些旧世界魅力,那么最好的地区。基本上可以达到距离城市的一切都在步行15分钟内。但是新的补充El Balcon del出生在同一地区,是旅行者订购的,古朴和特色的B&B在那里您不会在床单中找到孔。

西班牙食品比仅仅是Patatas Bravas和Sangria(虽然这两者都是你希望的一切)。调售24.,由El Bulli训练有素的厨师Carles Abellan,提出了Catalonia Nouvelle美食风格的烹饪喜悦,所以思考相当昂贵的10道菜饭菜由青铜小菜组成,如果你想要详细和不同的东西,这是完全值得的,因为你的口味芽 -更有建议去吃午饭而不是晚餐。否则前往Cerveceria Catalana;一个优步流行,没有大惊小怪的传统塔帕酒吧,这是旧时尚方式的简单本地事物 - 玉米饼,加丽皮,贾蒙斯兰诺和Queso Manchego。是的,请。

几乎到处都是你转过身来的Gaudi.加仑;大多数着名的加泰罗尼亚建筑师的作品是在城市的中心,从Casa Batllo等私人住宅到Parc Guell到Sagrada Familia教堂。The small amusement park on mount Tibidabo is another must see with come-to-Jesus views over the entire city below and sea beyond – even if you don’t fancy having a go on the rides, some of which are more than a century old (a.k.a potential death traps). The beaches of Barceloneta are conveniently located a stones throw from the city center but quickly become an overcrowded sweat box so its much more advisable to take a short train ride north to the beaches of蒙古特甚至更好的南方到那些Castelldefels.对于一些优越的阳光浸泡。
